Git - Version Control System

If you are beginer with git you can check these blogs to get started.

Branch management

Branch management is essential to any dev team. Learn how to structure your processes around your git branches. Follow these useful tips and your code deploys and rollbacks will be much easier. Having a tidy git repo will save your day in the event of a bug, or having to take out a feature already running on production. Branch Management

Useful tools

Mastering Git's Command Line Interface will certainly payoff in the future, but it can be intimidating at the beginning. So here at CodigoDelSur we also use tools that make our lives easier. Here you will find some tools that will simplify your daily work with git. Tools

How to Write Git Commit Messages

Writing good commit messages is essential for a project's maintainability. It’s worth taking the time to learn how to write commit messages so that we end having a useful revision history. Check out our guide for writing good commit messages here


The following topics will be covered along this documentation: