Getting started with the React ecosystem

This list of links is intended to be followed in order, and assumes a basic knowledge of JavaScript.
It is recommended NOT TO SKIP any of the links of this page.

Command line improvements

Because React makes extensive use of the command line, this gist describes several improvements to iTerm to have a better experience when using it.

Javascript new features

Javascript ES6 Cheatsheet - the best of JS ES6

Javascript ES6 Cheatsheet #2 - the best of JS ES6


This Codecademy React Courses include exercises and explain the basics of React. They are probably the most important links in this page.

React 101
React 102

Redux tutorials

Redux is an easy and powerful way of managing the state application.
It is important to follow the whole playlist, as it explains fundamental concepts of Redux
Redux Tutorials

Immutable JS

This is a tutorial of a great library for simplifying the logic inside reducers
Immutable.js 101 – Maps and Lists


Sagas is a great way of structuring the behavior of an app. It is extremely useful for handling async operations. Before using it, there are some key concepts that are useful to learn

Javascript Generators - THEY CHANGE EVERYTHING - ES6 Generators Harmony Generators

Are you bad, good, better or best with Async JS? JS Tutorial: Callbacks, Promises, Generators

This is a short article that explains the case for using Sagas, and explains how to use it in a simple way. It is probably the most important Sagas tutorial in this page.
Using redux-saga To Simplify Your Growing React Native Codebase

An excellent tutorial on how to use Sagas for forking operations
Async operations using redux-saga

This is the Beginner Tutorial of the official documentation. There are more sections available to read, but they are not vital for Sagas development
Beginner Tutorial

Using everything in a practical example

This tutorial creates a ToDo app using several of the libraries described before.
How to Build a Todo App Using React, Redux, and Immutable.js


Reselect is a library for improving the performance when components query data from the state. It can make apps dramatically faster.

* Computing Derived Data: This section of the redux tutorial explains how to use reselect with react.


Sass is a modern and powerful way of managing the styling of components.
Intro to Sass | SCSS101


See the Boilerplate section of this KB

Other tutorials guides

Start here: Your guide to the (sometimes overwhelming!) React ecosystem.
Dan Abramov (creator of Redux and React Hot Loader) tutorials: Redux core concepts, and advanced topics.